Making the virtual real. That concept is the basis of my art. Whether it is taking a virtual idea from conception with no tangible representation and making it real or taking a computer generated “object” and making it tangible, my art is about using a blend of technology and traditional techniques to create something that can be directly interacted with. Computer generated art has greatly increased the possibilities of creation. anything you can dream up can be created. And with 3D printing becoming more widely available, those virtual creations can become introduced into tangible reality.

Computer aided design and modeling makes sculpture more accessible. You have infinite customization, the ability to undo mistakes and create new iterations with the click of a button takes a lot of the uncertainty out of creating. You don’t have to worry about having to scrap a block of marble or wood when you make a mistake, or working at a pace to keep up with the drying of clay. Computer generated design is forgiving in that way. But for a long time, computer generated design was constrained to being virtual. You can’t feel your creation. You can’t walk around it and see how it interacts with natural light. The ability to bridge the gap between virtual and real came with the accessibility of affordable, consumer-friendly 3D printers. Now those virtual creations can become real.


Made to Order

Each product is made to order, so we have you in mind from its inception.

Sustainable Materials

3D printed items are made with either eco-friendly plant-based resin or with a compostable bioplastic derived from plant sugars.

Virtually Infinite Customization

Each item is catered to you, whether you would like custom colors or alternate poses.

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